Sunday, September 16, 2007


there is always that note, the one right before resolution, just when you can feel the end coming. i am a quarter step into this. just finding myself barely aware. few can really sense this- they don't know the pattern, the cascade of notes down a black-lined page. they aren't acquainted with music's personality, arrangement and nature. these are all inconsequential- the resolution still occurs. it has no choice but to end, coda is in the nature of music. this piece of my life is coming. i can't prevent it. it, of course, can be prolonged, stanzas thrown in, a special solo piece added. but without an end it couldn't be a song, this couldn't be life.
i can see now every beat, every piece, every note, the total culmination of the instruments, voices, melody and harmony all combining, for this one last chord. how do you plan this note? sum up the entire piece while bringing closure?
what is it in the nature of man that creates such a strong desire, even a need for resolution?